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I am what I am
Never gonna, never gonna change
Tough Love
By which I mean "Cuts, baby, cuts!"
The ladies are fickle, amiright?
I am copping what's known as a woman's answer ...
Invade Iraq! Saddam! WMDs!
Pushed for Canada to join George W. Bush's murderous debacle.
Grampaw knew a Chief
But as critic for Indian Affairs I ignored the reserve in my own riding
Wimmins not smart
Disrespecting women in office since at least 2002!
Just making shit up now
Let's all get outraged over something that never happened. Lying is cool, right?
Life begins at conception
No abortions for you!
Pallister's Plentiful Pension
Angrily opposed to generous optional pension ... THEN TOOK THE MONEY!
Get out of jail free?
Do the crime, do the time, unless you're Indian
Pallister ♥ Filmon
Proud of how "one of the finest governments" ever decimated public services
For-profit health care
Health care: corporate payday or public service?
Do as I say, not as I did!
Very familiar with "abuse of office"
Welfare = crime
Misunderstanding indigenous poverty since forever!
Don't expect him to change
Ya can't teach an old dawg new politics
Safety shmafety
What? Heckling someone talking about a tragic injury is cool, right?
Business ignorance
Maybe employers should actually know employment works?
I hate government
But I seem to keep running for office anyways
Childish Insult Time
Sorry, I actually meant to insult *that* guy
Is it that time of the month?
whiny, bitchy, PMS
Perfectly clear, except the opposite
What I really mean is "hedge my bets and obfuscate"
No! Yes! I mean no! er, yes
It is not at all my intention to do this thing it might be my intention to do
Power hungry chiefs
Indigenous governance? What's that?
Winnipeg? Racist? Nope!
"not my experience" that Winnipeg is racist
Persecuted for being tall
Being tall and geeky is just like being gay, right?
Christians fear gay oppression!
... those closets would be needed very soon for Christians.
Childcare is selfish
Maybe if women just stayed at home?
You're fired!
Conservatives not allowed to care about #MMIW
$1,000,000 wasted
Spending taxpayers' money on a pointless political stunt
Bullying & Disrespect, 90s edition
This particular Paliister, I believe, sets a new low
Sexy sex talk
Creepy sex metaphor time at the Legislature
Republic of Manitoba
Pallister says admirable example of independant governance; history says drunken boondoggle.
Mercy is for the weak
The beatings will continue until morale improves
Merry Xmas, Infidel Atheists!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah … all you infidel atheists
Costly obsession with Dingwall
Pallister's pitifuly pointless prosecution posed pecuniary problems
Gay Marriage? No, no, and no.
A perfect anti-gay record: three for three, a homophobic hat trick
Cuts Because Cuts
Cuts are a good idea because cuts are a good idea.
Sell the Reserves!
Aboriginal homes are a myth .... There are no aboriginal homes.
Cruelty, not Sociology
The beatings will continue until poverty goes away!
Jokin' about First Nations
Icelanders are totally Manitoba First Nations, amirite? What?
Do-nothing Government
The only thing the government should do is a whole bunch of nothing
Committed to Cuts
We're not committing to spend carefully, compassionately, or wisely. Just less.
Stupid-face nyah nyah
I know you are but what am I?
Untendered contracts! Er, maybe.
Whoops, nope, totally wrong. But not gonna retract or apologize.
Government = Taxes
Taxes, and nothing but taxes! Oh, and fees.
Elitist Economics
Unemployment? Poverty? Inequality? Why would I care?
Bullying & Disrespect
Douchey? An *sshole? Merely unparliamentary?
Which one is the man?
Gay marriage isn't gay if we call a he a she, right?
Kids are wusses
You call that bullying? I'll show you bullying!
Boot Camp for Kids
What those kids need is a good ass-whuppin'
Pesticides are healthy
Breathe deep, young'uns: that's the cancerous smell of freedom!
Treaty Shmeaty
You will be assimilated!
$200,000,000 mistake
When does "approximately" mean "nowhere f*cking close"?
I hate Halloween
Taking a stand against fun and community
Cuts for everyone!
You know how I'm saying don't worry? Maybe worry a little bit.
Yes, we knew we'd lose
No, we did not know we’d lose
Racism, what racism?
What? 9/11 make things worse for Arab and Muslim Canadians? Naaaah.
Just playing dumb?
"I have very little depth of knowledge" about this
Math is hard
When is a smaller number bigger than a bigger number?
Look at my Record
So, basically: everyone read "Shit Pallister Said"
Cowboys & Indians
No, it's easy: the Cowboys are noble and the Indians are, well, ...