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What kind of shit ?
Unparliamentary language
Wimmins not smart
Disrespecting women in office since at least 2002!
Pallister's Plentiful Pension
Angrily opposed to generous optional pension ... THEN TOOK THE MONEY!
Safety shmafety
What? Heckling someone talking about a tragic injury is cool, right?
Childish Insult Time
Sorry, I actually meant to insult *that* guy
Bullying & Disrespect, 90s edition
This particular Paliister, I believe, sets a new low
Sexy sex talk
Creepy sex metaphor time at the Legislature
Stupid-face nyah nyah
I know you are but what am I?
Bullying & Disrespect
Douchey? An *sshole? Merely unparliamentary?